This Saturday May 6 Castellers de Vilafranca will kick off the 75th anniversary events.

The day will start at 12 noon with a debate  in the electoral code of 28-M in Cal Figarot. It will have the candidates of all the parties with representation in the plenary of the City Council, which will put on the table the casteller fact in Vilafranca. The debate will be moderated by the journalist and colleague of the gang Arnau Mañé.

At 7pm at the Vinseum there will be the proclamation by Jordi Betran. At 8 p.m. the institutional reception at Vilafranca Town Hall and at 9pm it will be the turn of popular dinner in Plaça Jaume I. The end of the party will be at 11pm with DJ John Jacobsen, also in Plaça Jaume I.