This Friday the Castellers de Vilafranca will hold the second special castells test of 10.



After a Santes performance with ups and downs, but with two more castells handcuffs in their pockets, the Castellers de Vilafranca arrive at the day of the Festa Major de Vilanova i la Geltrú eager to raise big castells again . The performance will be on Saturday 1 August at 6pm in the Plaça de la Vila Vilanovina, together with the crazy gang, the Bordegassos from Vilanova, and the Colla Jove Xiquets from Tarragona.


Before that, however, the Vilafranquins will hold a new special test this Friday at Cal Figarot. A month before Sant Fèlix, the Castellers want to focus on the preparation of the castells of 10 and also the committed performances they have throughout the month of August, such as the Bisbal del Penedès, the Catllar or the Arboç. Friday after the rehearsal there will be dinner for all attendees. The group asks for the collaboration of all castellers and fans in order to be able to perform good tests.