After the performance, 4d10fm will perform and there will be the vermouth round, a popular dinner and party with 'Riu' and DjHurtu


Castellers de Vilafranca are back at work this weekend after a few days of vacation. The people from Vilafranca will perform on Saturday afternoon at Cal Figarot, with the party that they organize themselves every year in front of their social headquarters. Castellers de Vilafranca intend to resume the castle activity with the Td9fm as the maximum castle and accompany it with two castells again and a pillar of merit. This is how they want to recover the good feelings after the magnificent performance of Vilanova, where they crowned the castle of ten and accompanied it with two extra ranges: the 3d9fa and the Td9fm. 

The day on Saturday will start at 18:00. The Cal Figarot day will also have the presence of the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls and the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia. From eight o'clock, once the day is over, the Castellers de Vilafranca will do the foot of the 4d10fm, an important test to continue rehearsing the castells of ten, key in this Casteller section. 

At the end of the castells, the Vermouth Round will be held thanks to the collaboration with Vermuts Miró and a popular dinner will take place with the castellers of the three gangs.

From 10 p.m., there will be a concert by the group 'Riu' and the party will continue with DJ Hurtu.

Castellers de Vilafranca have an important rehearsal this Friday at 9.30pm.