The Network of Local Televisions will produce a television contest to find the best "Super-Supergirls". The audiovisual product will be broadcast by MovistarTV and will consist of ten physical tests for the groups of boys and girls who sign up. The scoundrel will have to pass different hurdles based on the basic principles of the casteller motto: "strength, balance, courage and sanity". In this way, it is intended to continue spreading the values that the castells have, with teamwork as a flag. The first phase includes seven tests, which will allow the best classified to the final three tests.

The television format is designed for boys and girls between 6 and 10 years of age to participate, but focused on being seen by the general public. Contestants must go in teams of 4 people who, between all their ages, must add up to a minimum of 31 years and a maximum of 34.

The prizes of this television competition produced by La Xarxa will be iPads, Lego games and books. In addition, all participants will receive a T-shirt.

The 'Súperenxaneta' has the collaboration of Castellers de Vilafranca and La Bauma, the climbing wall where the television program will be recorded, next June 9 in the afternoon. The program will be broadcast a few weeks later. The deadline to register for the competition ends on June 5.

To register you must complete this form

And sign the following image rights assignment document: authorization-super-enxaneta