The Greens have made two mainstays on the track of the NBA runner-up

The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Thursday at the Chase Center in San Francisco, the court of the Golden State Warriors, the runner-up in the NBA. The Greens have made two pillars of 4 (one with the North American flag and the other with the star) in the center of the stadium.

A little while before, in the preview of the match, the Castellers de Vilafranca unloaded two castells of seven: the 5d7 and the 4d7 with the needle. They have also made the pillar of five.

After lunch, the Castellers de Vilafranca also performed at the Google headquarters, where we downloaded 3d7 and 4d7.

In the morning, the Greens played at Stanford University where they unloaded the 4d8, the clean 3d7, the td7, 10d7, the 4d7 with the needle and a pillar of five.

The delegation of 180 Castellers from Vilafranca will be in San Francisco until Sunday, where this Saturday they will perform at the party organized by the city's Catalans.