The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Friday, November 1, in Plaça de la Vila de Vilafranca del Penedès on the day of All Saints, the gang's historic day.

The performance included the participation of the Xiquets de Tarragona gangs, the Castellers de Sants and the Capgrossos de Mataró gangs.

The verds faced the action with the three of ten with lining and handcuffs, a castle that, after two feet and a dismounted attempt, they left for a later round and chose to do the walnut tower with lining and shackles. This tower was the 118th downloaded in its history.

In the third round, the verds announced the four back without lining, a castle that they had not unloaded since 2016. After two dismounted legs, the Castellers de Vilafranca managed to unload this great castle that they had been rehearsing all season.

In the fourth round of action, the verds resumed the three of ten with lining and shackles, the milestone of the season and of the performance of All Saints. This time, they mounted a single foot that they managed to unload. This three out of ten was the first castel of ten unloaded of the 2018-2019 castle season and turned the verds season into the fifth consecutive unloading castells of ten.

In a round of pillars, they unloaded the fourth figure eight pillar with lining and shackles of the season, a pillar that rounds off a performance with four Extra Range castells.

To end the performance, the verds did 10 pillars of four.

The verds close the season in the best way with a performance where they were able to download all their castells maximums. Without a doubt, the best ending that the Castellers de Vilafranca gang could imagine.