Castellers de Vilafranca performed this weekend in Tarragona, where they downloaded the pd8fm

Castellers de Vilafranca performed at the 50th anniversary of the Xiquets de Tarragona. The verds have unloaded in the first round the first 4d9f downloaded since the resumption of castle activity. Those from Vilafranca have followed the day with the 3d9f, their first download in the whole season, and they have also creditably completed the 4d8a.

With the euphoria of the first castells of 9 downloaded, the Castellers de Vilafranca have closed the Pla de la Seu day with success. They have brought to the square the first Gamma Extra since the shutdown due to the pandemic, in 2019. A pillar of 8 with lining and firm shackles, which thus completes the best performance since the Castellera rematch.

The Greens have performed as guests of Xiquets de Tarragona together with the Youth group of Xiquets de Valls and Nens del Vendrell.

Castellers de Vilafranca have the following performance on Saturday, July 9 a Altafulla. Before that, the Greens will continue to rehearse as usual on Monday (8:00 p.m.), Wednesday (8:30 p.m.) and Friday (9:30 p.m.).