The candidacy has a team of more than one hundred and thirty people that combines youth and experience with a common goal: to keep the gang at the head of the castellar world. 

Àngel Grau and Ernest Gallart presented, last Saturday at the Extraordinary General Assembly of the gang, the only candidacy to lead the Castellers de Vilafranca for the next four years as gang leader and president, respectively. 

The candidacy has a transversal objective throughout most of the areas, which will be the work and internal training and of the gang as a whole on mental health. In this sense, we have been working on the field of physical performance in the gang for years, and with this new objective we also want to highlight the mental state of the castellers and castelleras in extreme situations that can occur in the castells.

As for the more technical part, the candidacy wants to continue with the dynamic that has been carried during the last technique, giving special relevance to the foot, as well as working to return to pre-pandemic levels, recovering the castells with the needle and normalizing the castells of 10.

With regard to the organization's structure, the board of directors will be headed by Ernest Gallart as president, casteller since 2013 and where he often holds executive positions. This will be divided into six vice-presidencies, such as the institutional, economic, heritage, performance, research and health, social and communication and marketing areas. As for the technical board, there will be Àngel Grau at the head as gang leader, with forty years doing castells, where he started as a rogue and currently occupying positions in the linings and handcuffs. Together with him, the team will be completed by the gang leader, the log leader, the foot, lining, shackles and struts leader and the scoundrel. 

All in all, the candidacy is part of a team of more than one hundred and thirty people that combines youth and experience with a common goal: to keep the gang at the forefront of the castellar world.