About Alba Esteve

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So far Alba Esteve has created 137 blog entries.

Els Castellers de Vilafranca on Spotify

2023-02-07T16:34:12+01:00February 7, 2023|Castle news|

As of February 10, the Castellers de Vilafranca will be present on the Spotify music platform This Friday, February 10 at 6 p.m., the Castellers de Vilafranca will enter the Spotify music platform and will do so with the first album released by the group: Up Greens! - Anthem of the Castellers de Vilafranca. This topic, [...]

Pere Figueras, Aleix Masana and Àngel Grau 2022 Soca-rel awards

2022-11-15T16:40:47+01:0015 November 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca also award the Castellera Loyalty award to La Xarxa de Televisions Local The Castellers de Vilafranca have announced the winners of the 50th consecutive edition of the 'Casteller de Soca-rel' awards, a recognition dedicated to members of the gang that have had a trajectory [...]

The Castellers de Vilafranca start the campaign for the Castle Competition

2022-09-28T15:42:09+01:0023 September 2022|Castle news|

With 12 days to go before the Castles Competition, the Castellers de Vilafranca are launching a campaign to appeal to fans from Vilafranca, Penedes and all over the country to accompany them to the square and play pineapple. This week, the campaign started with the slogan "We miss you", and will continue next week with [...]

The verdss charge the first 3d10fm of the restart

2022-09-05T21:36:28+01:00September 5, 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca put on a great performance on Sant Fèlix day, in which they planted four Gamma Extra, a historic milestone after the stoppage of the casteller world following the Covid-19 pandemic. Castellers de Vilafranca have opened the day with a 3d10fm that [...]

The verds face the week before the Festa Major

2022-08-23T20:05:34+01:0023 August 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday to prepare the performances of the Catllar, l'Arboç, which will coincide with the Festa Major de Vilafranca and Sant Fèlix. The Castellers de Vilafranca are preparing for five days of performances in a row. Saturday will be the turn of the performance at the Catllar, Sunday, the long-awaited appointment at the Arboç, and [...]

The verds premiere the td9fm in La Bisbal

2022-08-18T15:30:59+01:0018 August 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca performed on two occasions this weekend. They have downloaded the td9fm for the first time since the resumption and have tested the 3d10 at the performance in Cal Figarot. Castellers de Vilafranca performed on two occasions this weekend; in Vilafranca [...]

The verds will perform at the Diada d'El Figarot and La Bisbal

2022-08-10T16:29:34+01:0010 August 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca return to the castle and social activity after a week of rest. After a weekend of Casteller rest, this weekend the Castellers de Vilafranca are back in action. Apart from the usual rehearsals every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, this Saturday August 13 will take place the Day [...]

Castellers de Vilafranca download the first Gamma Extra after the pandemic

2022-07-04T16:10:06+01:004 July 2022|Castle news|

The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this weekend in Tarragona, where they downloaded the pd8fm The Castellers de Vilafranca performed at the 50th anniversary of the Xiquets de Tarragona. The verds have unloaded in the first round the first 4d9f unloaded since the resumption of castle activity. Those from Vilafranca have [...]

Castellers de Vilafranca travel to the Basque Country

2022-06-14T22:27:06+01:0014 June 2022|Castle news|

The trip will be this coming weekend, from Friday to Sunday. They will take advantage of the trip to inaugurate the commemorative plaque of the first 9 castle unloaded in the Basque Country. Next June 17, 18 and 19 the Castellers de Vilafranca will travel to the Basque Country. The initial performance of the trip [...]

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