To be a member is to be part of the excitement and excitement of continuing to raise castells higher and higher. It is to participate and help build a group with global projection, which tries to make the best castells. With you we are stronger as an institution and as a group. But being a partner isn't just that. because, in addition, it offers a number of advantages for all green. Become part of gang history. Become a partner.

So you don't miss a detail

By becoming a member, you can start receiving for free the set of communications that the group establishes with its associates:

  • El Figarot magazine with the chronicle of performances, activities, celebrations, interviews, reports, entertainment...
  • Circulars with the activities scheduled for each month.
  • Electronic newsletter with the freshest news sent at the moment.

Approach the gang

The membership card gives you even more:

  • Paella competition
  • Wine Tasting course
  • Calçotada Green
  • Entry for the Castle Contest
  • Participate in the annual assembly of the Colla

Registration form

    Annual contribution:
    €20 (under 18)50€100€200€others

    ** Castellers de Vilafranca is an entity declared to be of public interest. The contributions made are tax deductible up to an 80%.