The three of ten with lining and shackles it is the first castle of 10 that was achieved. After being on the verge of charging it on All Saints' Day 1998, the gang decided in a referendum to celebrate a special day with the aim of achieving the first 10-castle in the history of castells. Two weeks later, on November 15, 1998, the Castellers de Vilafranca managed to be the first group in history to load a 10-story castle.

The gang's relationship with 3d10fm, however, has not been easy. For many years we tried to download it without success. Fifteen years and thirty attempts later, we managed to download the three out of ten with lining and handcuffs on Saint Felix Day 2013.

Since then, this build has become more frequent in the gang's big days, to the point that in 2016 we downloaded it up to six times in a single season.

3d10fm All Saints 2017

First attempt 3d10fm – Sant Félix – 30/08/1998

First 3d10fm uploaded – 3d10fm Day – 11/15/1998

First 3d10fm downloaded – Sant Félix 30/08/2013