The four again (also called four back nine without lining) is one of the hardest castellss ever downloaded. Unlike the four-nine with lining, this one does not have the supplementary base of reinforcement, which greatly increases the difficulty. It is a castle of great technical difficulty: you have to control its movements a lot to prevent any strong shaking from causing the castle to fall.

The group's first attempt at this castle took place in the Tarragona Castles Competition in 2000, which unfortunately did not succeed. After two years, we managed to load it for the first time, in Vilafranca's Plaça de la Vila on All Saints' Day in 2002.

Finally, we managed to download it at the Tarragona Castles Competition in 2012, in a performance where we had also previously downloaded the tower of eight. For the first time in history, a group unloaded two castells of those considered in the range of 10 in the same performance.

First attempt at 4d9 – Contest – 10/3/2000

First 4d9 Loaded – All Saints – 1/11/2002

First 4d9 Downloaded – Contest – 10/3/2012