The members of the group unanimously approve the accounts and report for 2021 and the budget for 2022. They also approve with 75.5% of the votes the modification of the statutes in relation with the shield

On Saturday February 12, the Castellers de Vilafranca celebrated the Ordinary Annual Assembly as set out in the gang's statutes. On this occasion it was in person, where more than 145 castellers and castelleras attended.

The assembly started with the report of the president, Carles Mata. Mata reviewed the management and activities that the gang developed last year as well as the changes of vice-presidencies in two areas of the Board of Directors. He also indicated that the group is working to maintain and increase castellar and social activity throughout 2022. Then, all the vice-presidencies of the group presented the 2021 report and the projects for 2022: Jordi Viadiu representing the Social Area; Llull Casanova, from the Economic Area; Arnau Martí, Secretary; Josep Maria Tobella, from the Institutional Area; Carles Martin, from the Heritage Area; and Sílvia Sabaté, Aïda Serra and Foix Martín from the Performance and Health Area; and Laia Colomé, from the Communication and Marketing Area. It should be noted that during the remainder of the mandate of the current Board, the casteller Albert Cabré will assume the vice-presidency of the Institutional Area, while the vice-presidency of the Performance and Health Area will be in the hands of the castellers Aïda Serra and Foix Martín .

Next, it was the turn of the Gang Technique team. Jordi Masó, representing the Canalla Area, began his presentation, explaining how the green rascal evolved over the course of 2021 and what the objectives are for the new 2022 season. He was followed by sots-chap of the gang, Ivó Jordà, and the head of pineapples, linings, handcuffs, Joan Torrents, who detailed the planning for this year's castella season. The leader of the gang, Sisco Benet, closed the Assembly with a demanding speech to encourage everyone to recover the gang's rhythm and level. 

Once the presentations were finished, the members of the group unanimously endorsed both the management and the accounts for 2021, as well as the budget for 2022. In addition, the modification of the statutes was also approved with 75.5% of the votes in relation to the shield, which will be updated with the graphic image of the gang that the verds have been using since 2017.