The people from Vilafranca completed the first Gamma Extra castle made in Barberà del Vallès

 Td9fm Barberà 2017 


The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Sunday afternoon in Barberà del Vallès, accompanied by the Xics de Granollers and the Castellers de Sabadell. The Greens have managed to download the second Td9fm of the season, thus turning Barberà into an Extra Gamma square, as a castle of the highest category has never been seen there before. The people from Vilafranca unloaded a solvent tower again, in which some new, lighter dosos have already been consolidated and are being released this year in this position.


Castellers de Vilafranca completed their day with the 4d9f (first round), the 3d9f (third round) and the pillar of six, where acotxadora and enxaneta were released. The head of the Greens team, Toni Bach, assessed the performance in Baberà very satisfactorily, since "it has made it possible to achieve a premise that we believe is important: to make a big castle before considering the ambitious challenge of next week" . Precisely, this objective, as they already announced a few days ago, is to bring the 4d9 without lining to Pla de la Seu next Saturday and pay tribute to history by unloading it in front of the cathedral of Tarragona, a fact that has not happened since 136 years ago (when the Xiquets de Valls completed the first).


The Castellers de Vilafranca will perform on Saturday at Pla de la Seu (Tarragona) with an objective that has yet to be confirmed with the three remaining tests: the 4d9 without lining. In addition, the leader of the gang has already announced the desire to accompany the 'total castle' with two other big castellss: the 3d9fa and the Td9fm. For this reason, the Castellers de Vilafranca ask that this week - and especially in the rehearsal on Friday that they will do in Plaça de la VIla - the attendance of the whole gang is massive in order to achieve the challenges that are proposed.