The Vilafranquins have premiered their first 4d8 with the needle of the season

3d9f Sant Quentin 2017



The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Saturday afternoon during the Quintinada castle festival held in Sant Quintí de Mediona. Accompanied by the Castellers de Berga, the Vilafranca players unloaded the first 4d8 with the needle of the season. In the first round, the Greens took this castle with a needle that, during this year, they would like to go up another floor if the tests make it possible. Next, the Castellers de Vilafranca unloaded the 4d9f and the 3d9f, two castells of nine floors that they already want to take to all the squares that is possible to consolidate the structures of the 3 and 4. The people from Vilafranca ended the day, a again, with the pillar of seven with lining.


The Greens face a historic week that will end with the Vilafranca team performing, for the first time in history, in Valls (Decennals a bnda). This Saturday, Castellers de Vilafranca will participate in the day organized by Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls al Pati. The Greens want to bring big castells; they even intend to debut there, at least, the first Gamma Extra castle of the season.


For this reason, the team leader of Castellers de Vilafranca has asked all castellers to fill Cal Figarot during the three rehearsals this week: Monday (8:00 p.m.), Wednesday (8:30 p.m.) and Friday (9:30 p.m. ). In addition, the Greens will perform on Friday, during the general rehearsal at Tívoli, where they want to bring some new castle there and, when finished, they will do the big tests of the castells which, the next day, they will take to Valls. The first part of Friday's rehearsal for Castellers de Vilafranca, from 9:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., will be at Cal Figarot.