The people from Vilafranca want to bring the two castells of 9 basic, apart from opening a castle with a needle, to Sant Quintí

Saint Quinte



Castellers de Vilafranca will take part this Saturday afternoon in the Sant Quintí de Mediona castellar day, as part of the Quintinada and the Joan Amades Fair held in this town of Alt Penedès. The day will start at 6:00 p.m., right in front of Sant Quintí Town Hall. The residents of Vilafranca are summoned half an hour earlier (5:30 p.m.) to Plaça de Baix. The Castellers de Vilafranca intend to bring back the 3 and 4 of 9 with lining and debut a new construction this season, the 4d8 with the needle. In addition, the people from Vilafranca will close the performance with the pillar of seven with lining. Finally, the Greens have ruled out repeating the Td9fm they took last year in Sant Quintí because next week (Saturday the 10th) they have an important meeting in Valls, on the Pati day. For this reason, they have preferred to consolidate the castells from 9 in Sant Quintí this weekend and take another step to the capital of Alt Camp, where they will perform in a day for the first time in their history.


Therefore, Castellers de Vilafranca will continue in the line of consolidating the castells of 9 basic, a level that, according to the head of the Greens team, Toni Bach, must be "the comfortable level" for the team he leads. The Greens will act together with the Castellers de Berga. The coaches of the Castellers de Vilafranca to go to the performance of , will leave Cal Figarot on Saturday at 4:45pm.


This Friday's test (9.30pm) at Cal Figarot will also be very important to define the castells that the Castellers de Vilafranca will be able to take to Valls.