Oriol Rossell and Almirall “Mascle de Sant Marçal”
Oriol Rossell and Almirall “Mascle de Sant Marçal” 1948-1952
Founder and first leader of the Castellers de Vilafranca gang. He sowed the seed and passed it on to those who accompanied him on the first outing, in Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, on September 14, 1948. Before that he had collaborated as a casteller with the Xiquets de Valls and the Nens del Vendrell. Under his guidance, the first castells of seven were achieved. Before the gang was officially legalized, he was considered the honorary president of the board and always made sure it ran smoothly. He promoted the creation of the Patronat de Castells and sponsored the "Força, equilibri, valor i seny" awards for Casteller journalism.
Ramon Sala and Miralles
Ramon Sala and Miralles1953-1956
With a good self-taught training, when he replaced the founder, he had to deal with some conflicting situations, arising from what he called "the war of witches". However, he was able to lead the first four of seven with the needle in the middle, the greatest milestone of the Castellers de Vilafranca in the years they wore the pink color on their shirts. At the end of 1955, when he went to live in Barcelona, the gang temporarily disbanded, but both he and his children continued to be associated with it for a few years.
Josep Pedrol and Boix "Pedrola"
Josep Pedrol and Boix "Pedrola" 1957-1960
He was the willing leader of the rematch - with green shirts that replaced the pink ones -, with an early departure in Manresa, on May 5, 1957, after more than a year of inactivity by the Castellers de Vilafranca During his mandate, the Vilafranquí council became a firm supporter of the gang, a fact that facilitated its reorganization. Under his direction, the castells of seven from the initial period could be maintained.

Carles Domènech and Soler "Mènech"
Carles Domènech and Soler "Mènech"
In his first stage as head of the gang, he consolidated the castells of seven and, with his open and dialogical disposition, encouraged the entry of new members. Years to come, he took the helm again, in a long mandate that would last up to two decades, in which the decisive step was taken from the castells of eight to the first castells again, a process that culminated in a memorable day of All Sants from 1990, in which, for the first time in the 20th century, a group unloaded two nine-lined castells, the third and fourth, in the same performance. With a democratic spirit, he knew how to "distribute the game" among those who accompanied him in the various meetings, at a time when the Castellers de Vilafranca enjoyed a greater international projection and in which they received the Medal of the Town, from of the Vilafranca Consistory, and the Sant Jordi Cross of the Generalitat de Catalunya. A key element in understanding the later growth of the gang was the acquisition of Cal Figarot, in 1983, our social club.
Joan Bolet and Mateu "Garsa"
Joan Bolet and Mateu "Garsa"1963
He had already led the Castellers de Vilafranca in the only performance that took place in 1956, for Sant Raimon, and that was the last with the pink shirts. After a few years, it was agreed to command them again, for the space of a single season, that of 1963, the year that coincided with the inauguration, in our house, of the monument to the Castellers, the first to be erected in our country Very committed to the Casteller environment, affable and close, his Casteller personality meant that he was considered, alongside the founder, as one of the "fathers" of the gang.
Gabriel Martínez and Escofet "Gabi"
Gabriel Martínez and Escofet "Gabi"1964-1969 and 1974
He led – and led – the Castellers de Vilafranca in two stages and with a lot of dedication and willpower on his part. In the first, after the gang was granted the right to perform for Sant Fèlix in Plaça de la Vila in 1965, it continued to add some trumps until it managed to place it at the level of the eight-story ones, with the first four of eight loaded. Much more profitable was the last year he was at the front, in which the verdss, in a spectacular season, managed to unload eight other castellss of a higher organization.
Lluís Giménez and Noguera
Lluís Giménez and Noguera1970-1973
Charismatic and with great leadership skills, he dignified even more the role of the gang in front of the whole castellar world and kept adding new successes to his record, with the premiere of some castells of eight and a particular dedication to the pillars of more height Under his tutelage, a great boost was given to the celebrations of the group's days and it also carried out the first outings outside the country or, at the very least, beyond the state border, in Catalonia from the North and Paris. The high point in his career was the first victory in a Tarragona Competition, in 1972, which catapulted the Castellers de Vilafranca to the leading positions of modern castellistics.
Francesc Moreno and Luque "Melilla"
Francesc Moreno and Luque "Melilla" 1995-2003
He was the first casteller of those who "come down from above" to become head of the Castellers de Vilafranca gang. With experience and an overflowing enthusiasm, not devoid of common sense but also seasoned with a point of raucous, and under the protection of an unusual Pilaner domain, he placed the group at the zenith of the castle world, with the recovery of forgotten castells and introducing new constructions. Under his command, he managed to successively unload, among others castells, the tower of nine with lining and shackles, the four of nine with lining and the needle, the pillar of eight with lining and shackles and the five of nine with lining, as well as loading the rook of eight and the four of nine. On November 15, 1998, the castle ceiling was broken when the first three out of ten with lining and handcuffs in history was crowned. The victories in three competitions in Tarragona – 1996, 1998 and 2002 – completed a trajectory that was further dignified with the unusual feat of August 31, 2001, when the verds unloaded the three and four nine-liners at the same time.
Lluís Esclassans and Castellet
Lluís Esclassans and Castellet 2004-2007
The difficult challenge of overcoming the tonga of successes achieved in the previous stages was taken on with determination and competence, so it was another of the good castellers members of the trunk to lead the gang. Under his leadership, the victories at the Tarragona contests in 2004 and 2006 were confirmed with two performances that, until then, were considered the best in the overall history of Casteller. The first, for Sant Fèlix in 2005, with the four of nine with lining and the needle, the tower of nine with loaded lining – for the first time in history–, the three of ten with lining and shackles loaded and the pillar of eight with lining and shackles, also loaded. And the second, for All Saints in 2006, with all the castells downloaded: four of nine with lining and needle, five of nine with lining, tower of nine with lining and shackles and pillar of eight with lining and shackles.
David Miret and Rovira
David Miret and Rovira2008-2011
Another almost unrepeatable gang leader, with contrasting charisma and boundless faith that allowed him to continue the success of his predecessors, concreted in two more victories in Tarragona – 2008 and 2010 – and new achievements in Castilla, such as the three of nine with lining and the needle and the tower of eight, unloaded this on three consecutive occasions. On All Saints' Day 2010, the best performance was surpassed by four castells extra range: four of nine with lining and needle, tower of eight, three of nine with lining and needle and pillar of eight with lining and handcuffs In the 2011 season it was possible to fin all the castells maximums of the modern era raised up to that time and, for All Saints, they reloaded, in the same day, the three of ten with lining and shackles and the tower again with lining. In this period, the group traveled to Chile (2008) and India (2011), where the tree was planted in the city of Thane.
Pere Almirall and Piqué "Pere de Sant Quintí"
Pere Almirall and Piqué "Pere de Sant Quintí"2012-2015
A mixture of youth and veteranity, and the fact that he was part of the trunk of the castells again, from top to bottom, marked his journey at the front of the gang, which will be remembered as the one that ended two pending challenges: those of completing the four of nine and the three of ten with lining and handcuffs. With a couple more victories in the contest – 2012 and 2014–, of the great performances of his term, two should be highlighted: the historic Sant Fèlix in 2013 – four of nine with lining and needle, three of ten with lining and shackles, four of nine and pillar of eight with lining and shackles, all completed – and All Saints' Day 2015, which overcame the difficult challenge of improving on the previous performance: three of nine with lining and needle, tower of eight, three of ten lined and cuffed and pillar of eight lined and shackled, all discharged. For All Saints' Day in 2012, the first set of all-time walnut linings had already been unloaded, on the same day that the third tower of Vilafranquina lining walnuts was crowned. This cycle also dates back to the first nine of eight with a single streak, as well as the successful campaign of 2013, when the Castellers de Vilafranca only registered a single fall in the whole season. They also maintained a strong international presence, traveling to New York (2012) and Shanghai (2015), where they unloaded another three-liner.
Toni Bach and Lleal "Toni de Lloret"
Toni Bach and Lleal "Toni de Lloret"2016-2019
Despite being born far from the Penedès, the castells captivated him from an early age and he even promoted a group at the school where he studied. He joined the Greens in 1989 and has been part of the trunks of our best castells. As head of the gang, he tried to emphasize the castellar commitment of each and every one of his members and under his guidance - in a year of maximum global castellara excellence and in which we made the fin to 37 castells of extra range - the 2016 Tarragona competition was won, loading and unloading the first four of ten with lining and handcuffs in our history, in addition to the three of ten, also handcuffed. A few months before, we added the three out of eight raised below to our record. During his tenure we crowned 112 castells of maximum difficulty and in 2017 we repeated on two occasions the performance of the first of November 2015. The three out of ten with lining and handcuffs became his flagship, given that it was completed on fourteen occasions , the last for All Saints of 2019, accompanied by the four again and when it was possible to download again four castells of the highest range. A few days earlier, as a sign of the good promotion work carried out, we had added the first ten out of eight to our record, a few weeks after traveling again to the USA to perform in San Francisco and other cities from California
Francesc Benet and Villalpando 'Sisco de Reus'
Francesc Benet and Villalpando 'Sisco de Reus' 2020-2023
From Baix Camp and for professional and family reasons, he arrived in Vilafranca at an early age, where, from the age of four, he has always been linked to the Falcons and castells. In 2000 he put on the green shirt. After a few weeks of being elected gang leader, he had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, which paralyzed the casteller world for a year and a half. Even so, under his guidance, with a spirit of union, teamwork and all combativeness, he led the Castellera rematch and the gang recovered a good number of the castells maximums, even three out of ten with lining and shackles and the new set with lining. In addition, with a great work of castle engineering by the technical team, and thanks to the involvement of the whole gang, it was innovated with the unprecedented and historic new pillar with lining, shackles and struts and the new new with lining, both loaded on All Saints' Day in the years 2022 and 2023, respectively. In addition, the gang repeated the feat (achieved already in 2001) of simultaneously downloading the three and four of nine lines, on August 29, 2023, while in 2022 the victory had been scored, for the thirteenth time at the Tarragona biennial competition. It should also be noted that under his mandate, the Greens acted, for the second time, in Portugal and, for the first time, in Mexico.