This award was created to publicly show recognition for the work done, the commitment and the dedication over the years of certain castellers for the good of the gang. In this distinction, not only the strictly castellers merits are valued, but also the degree of involvement of the people in the institutional functioning and in the dynamism of the various activities of the entity.

The casteller soca-rel was born in 1974 at the initiative of the Patronat de Castells and it is the first prize of this type in the world of castellers. Other gangs have subsequently created similar distinctions for their most prominent castellerss. So we are talking about a distinction that has a lot of solera and that has been awarded without interruption for thirty-six years at the end of each season of the verds. It is worth saying that in no year has the award been left empty and this is still a good sign of the level of strength and vitality of Castellers de Vilafranca.

Antolín Giménez Ojeda "Antolín" (1974)
Pere Ciuró Rull "Sigró" (1974)
Félix Estadella Ribera "Feis" (1975)
Joan Solé Martorell (1975)
Joan Sol Rovira (1976)
Joan Bolet Mateu "Heron" (1976)
Dimas Jimenez Garcia (1977)
Isidre Giménez Ojeda "Isidro" (1977)
Francisco Mallofré Castillo “Cisco don't cry” (1978)
Ramon Giménez Ojeda "Ramonet" (1978)
Oriol Rossell Almirall "Male of Sant Marçal" (1978)
Isidor Rubio Giménez (1979)
Jaume Palau Amell "Pare Palau" (1979)
Gabriel Martínez Escofet "Gabi" (1980)
Josep Miret Pujol "Hemlock" (1980)
Alejo Fleitas Moreno (1981)
Josep Ricarte Grau (1981)
Francesc Miró Martín (1982)
Cosme Milà Atset "Parent" (1982)
Francesc Martínez Novella (1983)
Josep Solé Freixas (1983)
Josep Galofré Mestre (1984)
Jaume Raventós Guilera "Jaume del Ràpit" (1984)
Jordi Pallarès Masters (1985)
Lluís Giménez Noguera (1985)
Joan Torné Cols “Guapu” (1986)
Ricard Aranda Arguimbau "Rissus" (1986)
Guillermo Brugal Galician (1987)
Jaume Clavé Fernandez (1987)
Lluís Giménez Noguera (1988)
Josep Just Quer (1988)
Ramon Ventura Arnabat (1989)
Santiago Díaz Giralt "Serenet" (1989)
Carles Domènech Soler "Mènec" (1990)
Francisco Moreno Luque "Melilla" (1990)
Pedro García Grijota (1990)
Pere Josep Julià Torrents "Xaconet" (1991)
Joan Pérez Castejón (1991)
Jose Maria Mateu Ollé (1992)
Jordi Mir Farré "Papa" (1992)
Josep Carbó Salvà "Magnum" (1993)
Jaume Rafecas Ruíz (1993)
Jaume Boquera Sánchez "Captain" (1994)

Jordi Ferré Carbonell "Bell Ringer" (1994)
Joan Montserrat Brun "Buana" (1995)
Joan Fradera Bosch (1995)
Ángel Grau Ribas (1996)
Ildefons Soler Soler "Alfonso" (1996)
Josep Requena Figueras (1997)
Fèlix Balañà Montaner "Balantains" (1997)
Eloi Miralles Figueres "Rabassó" (1998)
Pere Giménez Gutiérrez "Pedrito" (1998)
Josep Mestres Mercadé (1998)
Xavier Bages Gallego "Xavi de Guardiola" (1998)
Joan Vallès Petit (1999)
Josep Masó Llop (1999)
Lluís Raventós Vilapua "Lluís de Vilobí" (2000)
Félix Morgades Gallart (2000)
Josep Mateu Carbó "Mateu Gros" (2000)
Lluís Galofré Mestre (2001)
Joan Soler Parera "Solé cordó" (2001)
Lluís Molas Mata (2001)
Vicenç Yuste de Frutos "Vasco" (2001)
Eugenia Balcells Ventura (2002)
Jordi Mir Solé "Boy" (2002)
David Miret Rovira "Zubi" (2002)
Salvador Montaner Urpí "Salvi" (2003)
Gabriel Senabre Via "Biel" (2003)
Pere Joan Torné Cols "Guapu Petit" (2003)
Alejandro Sánchez-Granados Prieto (2004)
Jose Miguel Martínez Camús "Pepe Martínez" (2004)
Antonio José Pérez Aguilera (2004)
Jaume Martí Olivella "Durich" (2005)
Jordi Bustos Ferrer (2005)
Julián Bedmar Franco “Perdieu” (2005)
Salvador Casas Moreno "Xumaquer" (2006)
Clara Vallvé Valeri (2006)
Carlos Mata Paris (2006)
Gregorio Cascales Abbey (2007)
Josep Cabré Tugas "You" (2007)
Jacob Prat Farran (2007)
Jordi Carbonell Carreras (2007)

Rosendo Jané Miracle (2008)
Ricard Pallarès Masters (2008)
Lluís Esclassans Castellet (2009)
Concepción Martínez Torronteras (2009)
Pere Almirall Piqué "Pere de Sant Quintí" (2010)
Pere Regull Riba (2010)
Montserrat Grau and Colomé (2011)
Manel Huguet and Mestres "Gatsby" (2011)
Toni Bach and Lleal "Toni de Lloret" (2012)
Miquel Ferret and Mirrors (2012)
Óscar Serramià and Ricart "Duenyes" (2013)
Joan Badell and Roses (2013)
Joan Crusat and Cubells "Bubu" (2014)
Frederic Benages and Andres “Catxomulo” (2014)
Joan of God Reyes and Aybar (2014)
Jordi Viadiu and Sanz "Toti" (2015)
Sílvia Sabaté and Albornà (2015)
Ramon Perelló and Rodríguez (2015)
Juan Rodríguez and Romillo “Juanín” (2015)
Eva Acedo and Bueno (2015)
Toni Rossell and Trains (2016)
Ton Feliu and Tarragó (2016)
Jordi Estrany and Sánchez (2017)
Ton Grau and Adell (2017)
Sergi Via and Trotonda (2018)
Manel Ortiz and Gil (2018)
Felix Miret and Rovira (2018)
Manel Balcells and Ortuño (2019)
Josep Esteve and Martí (2019)
Jordi Oller and Recasens (2020)
Jaume Grau and Adell (2020)
Carles Roca and Sabaté (2021)
Montserrat Muñoz and Romagosa (2021)
Miquel Campesino and Requena (2021)
Pere Figueras and Romagosa (2022)
Aleix Masana and Escamilla (2022)
Ángel Grau and Adell (2022)
Rafel Salvadó and Sugrañes “Rafi” (2023)
Peter Nin and Tort (2023)