The internationally acclaimed Barcelona sculptor Jaume Plensa i Suñé is the author of the poster for the 75th anniversary of Castellers de Vilafranca

The Castellers de Vilafranca already have a poster to celebrate their 75th anniversary, the work of the internationally renowned sculptor Jaume Plensa. The plastic artist, who has just made his debut as stage director of the opera Macbeth de Verdi with the world premiere at the Liceu of this new production, he wanted to pay tribute to the Greens with an original work where the hands are the main element of the composition.

The hands are essential to do castells, to link the arms, close the pineapple and provide protection for those who climb up. Without hands castellerss can't climb on their teammates' backs and can't grab each other on each floor. When the princess raises her hand, it symbolizes that she is touching the sky, and indicates that she has achieved her goal of crowning the castle.

The work of Jaume Plensa symbolizes the thousands of hands of all kinds of the castellers that have been part of the gang, at the same time it symbolizes the thousands of fins that the Enxanetes have made in the 75 years of history of Castellers de Vilafranca.

Jaume Plensa joins other artists who dedicated a work to celebrate an anniversary of the Greens: Guillem Noya for the 50th, Ràfols Casamada for the 60th and Marca Cerdà for the 70th anniversary.

Jaume Plensa and Suñé, Catalan sculptor, was born in Barcelona in 1955. He studied art at the Escola de la Llotja and the Escola Superior de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi. He has collaborated in theater and opera projects with costume design and scenography. In 1997 he was awarded the National Plastic Arts Award granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and in 2012 he received the Cross of Sant Jordi. He currently lives between Barcelona and Paris, although he has his workshop in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. He is mostly known for his large sculptures made up of letters and numbers, although he also works with other materials, such as cast iron, polyester, fiberglass, alabaster or wood. In recognition of his career, in 2013 he was awarded the Velázquez Fine Arts Award, in 2019 he received the Pau Casals Award for the international projection of Catalan culture and in 2021 he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts.
Jaume Plensa has sculptures exhibited in squares, parks and avenues of the main cities of the world. In 2012 he made the poster for Barcelona's Festes de la Mercè. In 2015 he inaugurated a monumental sculpture with the name of Carmela in front of the Palau de la Música Catalana. In 2020, Plensa donated a sculpture to the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, in recognition of the healthcare staff for their work during the covid pandemic. In 2021, his largest sculpture was inaugurated in Newport (New Jersey): Water's Soul (The soul of water), 24 meters high and weighing 30 tons. His work was inaugurated in 2022 constellations, commissioned by the Gran Teatre del Liceu and located on the main facade of the theater itself, on the Rambla in Barcelona. The work consists of three large hinged portals, made of stainless steel, made up of letters from different alphabets, with the intention of being a call to coexistence and dialogue between the cultures of the world.

You can download the photographs of the act of presenting the poster in this link: