The Castellers de Vilafranca also award the Fidelitat Castellera award to La Xarxa de Televisions Local

Castellers de Vilafranca have announced the winners of the 50th consecutive edition of the 'Casteller de Soca-rel' awards, a recognition dedicated to gang members who have had an outstanding career within the organization. It is undoubtedly one of the castellers awards with the most tradition and history. This year, the Castellers de Vilafranca management team has decided that the 'Soca-rel' awards be by Pere Figueras, Aleix Masana and Àngel Grau.

Pere Figueras joined the gang in 1987. He is an unconditional defender of the foot, one of those who are always there no matter what happens. Aleix Massana joined the group in 1994. Kintillu has been the head of pineapples until the moll de l'os and now he can also say that he is the only first hand behind a castle with props. Angel Grau he joined the gang in 1985, as a kid, he was a gang ruffian and now he's a fixture in the liners and handcuffs. He has also been part of some techniques and been a rogue boss. Son, brother and father of castellers, he will be the fourth Soca-rel in the family. 

On the other hand, the Fidelitat Castellera award has been granted The Local Television Network to collaborate for a long time with the gang. For his unconditional support, for the weekly monitoring of the Casteller event in different programs and for maintaining, when it is most needed, the live Casteller broadcasts.