The Castellers de Vilafranca also award the Castellera Loyalty award to Penedès Medical Services


Castellers de Vilafranca have announced the winners of the 49th consecutive edition of the 'Casteller de Soca-rel' awards, a recognition dedicated to gang members who have had an outstanding career within the organization. It is undoubtedly one of the castellers awards with the most tradition and history. This year, the Castellers de Vilafranca management team has decided that the 'Soca-rel' awards whether by Carles Roca, Montserrat Muñoz and Miquel Campesino.

Carlos Roca he joined the gang in 1991 and is a stalwart of the liner and handcuffs. He has been an active member of the group for 30 years without interruption, attending all rehearsals and performances. On the other hand, Montserrat Muñoz he joined the gang in 1994 and stands out for his active participation for years in the gang's Social Area. Finally, Miquel Campesino joined the gang in 1972, as a child. In the early years he did some castells on the trunk, but for years he has been an indisputable piece on the foot. His shoulders have endured numerous linings and shackles.

On the other hand, the Fidelitat Castellera award has been awarded to Penedès Medical Services, who has collaborated closely with the gang for years and is one of its sponsors. He has been with the gang as well as with the castellers, when they needed him because of their injuries. In addition, he has completed health courses and has Cal Figarot a cardioprotected space.