In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the Website https:/ /www.castellersdevilafranca.cat (henceforth, the “Website”) is owned by PATRONAT CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA (henceforth CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA), with registered office at Carrer del General Prim, 11 de 08720 de VILAFRANCA DEL PENEDES ( Barcelona), with CIF G-08886897.


These Conditions describe the terms applicable to the services and content offered through the website https://www.castellersdevilafranca.cat and regulate the legal relations between PATRONAT CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA and the CLIENT.

Access to the website is free and open, use of the website implies unreserved acceptance of all the Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these conditions, you must refrain from using this page.

The visit to the e-commerce site by the user must be done responsibly and in accordance with current legality, good faith, these Conditions and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA or any other natural or legal persons.

The use of any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illegal is totally prohibited, as well as the performance of any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind not consented to by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, in e-commerce site or its contents.

The website and the activities, products and services offered by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA are aimed at adults with sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Terms of Use. It is possible that the use of certain services or the contracting of some goods or services is subject to special complementary conditions that will require express consent and that will prevail in any case over the present general conditions.


Without the need to register or make any registration or purchase, CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA invites you to make a virtual visit through our website to learn about our products and services.


You can browse the website until you find the item you want. Once located, clicking on it will access all the detailed information that the website offers. From here you can add the item to your purchase.

If you are placing an order with us for the first time, you will have the option to register by entering your email address and a password with which you can create and access your account. In order to complete the registration, a series of personal data must be provided which must be truthful and accurate. You can consult our privacy policy at the following link: https://www.castellersdevilafranca.cat/politica-de-privacitat. On the other hand, you will also have the option to make the purchase without registering

Then, you can continue your purchase and finally confirm the order where you will be told the total price of the same, including VAT and shipping costs.

If you do not want to place another order, you must press the "ADD TO CART" button to access the last screen to complete the payment process using the "ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION" button to validate it and access the gateway · the corresponding payment and make the payment.

Within a maximum period of 72 hours from the receipt of the acceptance, you will receive the confirmation of the order by e-mail to the e-mail address you have indicated to us.

Likewise, it is recommended that the customer print and/or save a copy on a durable medium of the conditions of sale when placing their order, as well as the proof of receipt sent by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA by email.

Likewise, you must take into account that you can modify your personal data at any time, as well as exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition in accordance with LO 3/2018, of December 5 , of Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD) and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons by regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (RGPD).


The acquisition of services or products through CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA allows the following forms of payment:

  • Via VISA or MASTERCARD credit/debit card (Redsys secure e-commerce platform)
  • By UnionPay card.

This data will not be saved or manipulated by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, but will be registered directly in the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution or payment platform. For added security, we use a Secure E-Commerce authentication service established by Visa/Mastercard whereby the user authenticates to their issuing entity and the trade authenticates to their acquiring bank.

In order to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the transactions, these are carried out through the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol with 128-bit security keys.

In case the charge cannot be carried out finally (for any reason), the order will be canceled automatically.

If you have any doubts about the payment methods, you can contact us without any kind of commitment.


The prices of the products are those indicated in the description attached to them. All prices indicated in the product description are expressed in Euro currency (€) and include Value Added Tax (VAT).

In accordance with current legislation, all purchases made from our website will be subject to value added tax. The applicable rate will be the one legally in force at any given time.

The price of the order will be calculated automatically when filling the shopping basket.

In orders made from outside the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, the taxes and tariffs derived from the entry and exit of the product in these territories will be applied (according to current regulations), and must be paid directly by the User to the logistics operator in charge of delivering the product.

All prices are shown in euros (€) and must be considered as the final price to be paid by the customer (including VAT or not depending on the territory of delivery, as indicated in the previous paragraphs). Transport costs (if applicable) as well as taxes and tariffs for the entry and exit of the product outside the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. they are not included in this price and will be reported specifically in each case.

Prices may change at any time. However, the possible changes will not affect the products for which CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA has already confirmed the shipment.


The products offered are distributed to users in any country.

The purchase is subject to the payment of shipping costs, at the buyer's expense. The shipping costs will depend on the destination and the total amount of the order, the costs will be detailed throughout the purchase process and you can review how much the shipping costs amount to before finalizing the purchase.

All shipping costs are shown inclusive of VAT.

For any order from outside mainland Spain, you must request the specific calculation of shipping costs to the e-mail info@castellersdevilafranca.cat.


In compliance with art. 63.3 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16, (LGDCU) the user can request the invoice in paper format.

If the user wants the invoices sent to him in electronic format, he will need to contact the CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA user service to give his express consent and specify how to receive the electronic invoice. The user who has chosen this option may, at any time, revoke this consent in writing addressed to the e-mail info@castellersdevilafranca.cat indicating in the same "revocation invoice in electronic format" and for future purchases, if request, you will receive invoices in paper format that will be sent by post.


CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will not be held responsible for the delay in the delivery of orders for reasons not attributable to it, as well as fortuitous cases or force majeure.

The delivery will be made through the logistic transport company designated by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA at any time depending on the products purchased and the place of delivery thereof.

CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will inform the CLIENT by email of the order's departure date from its warehouses.

Within a period of between 24 and 72 hours (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays not included) from the date of confirmation of its shipment, the order will be delivered to the logistics transport company and it will be this that will determine the time of delivery of the order. If the order is to be delivered outside España Peninsular, the customer will be informed of the expected delivery date.

At the time of delivery of the order, the CUSTOMER must verify and check the condition of the goods delivered, sign the delivery note and request a copy from the carrier.

In case of incident due to lack of goods, lack of packaging, damage to the packaging or others; the CLIENT must specify in the delivery notes provided by the carrier (original and copy) any anomaly detected, sign them and notify this incident to CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA within a maximum period of 24 hours following receipt of the order.

Any claim related to transport notified after 24 hours of receiving the order will be rejected.

Delivery of the order is considered completed at the time it is made available to the CLIENT and CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA is exempt from any responsibility for loss, theft or damage from that moment.

CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will not be responsible for errors or damage caused in delivery when the delivery address provided by the CUSTOMER does not match the delivery location desired by the same.

  • The loss or deterioration of the goods during transport will not be the responsibility of CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, but of the transport agency itself.

In compliance with Law 3/2014, of March 27, which modifies the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 of November (LGDCU), CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA informs you that the CUSTOMER has the possibility to cancel the purchase without needing justification within a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt of the order.

It will NOT be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal on the basis of the exceptions provided for in article 103 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16 (LGDCU): The right of withdrawal will not be applicable to contracts that refer to:

  • The provision of services, once the service has been fully executed, when the execution has begun, with the prior express consent of the consumer and user and with the recognition on their part that they are aware that, once the contract has been completely executed by the employer, he will have lost his right of withdrawal.
  • The supply of goods made according to the specifications of the consumer and user or clearly personalized.
  • The supply of goods that can deteriorate or expire quickly.
  • The supply of goods that are sealed and are not suitable for return for health or hygiene reasons or that have been unsealed after delivery.
  • The supply of goods which, after their delivery and taking into account their nature, have been indissociably mixed with other goods.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the CLIENT will notify CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA of its decision to withdraw from the contract, by means of any type of communication of such decision that allows the content and receipt of it by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, by sending it to the CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA email address info@castellersdevilafranca.cat.

CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will acknowledge receipt of the same without delay by the same means that the CLIENT used to send this withdrawal.


In the event of an incident, duly notified and approved by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, the best way to resolve it will be agreed with the customer.

The User will be entitled to a refund of the price, shipping costs and shipping costs of the return of the defective Products or the Products delivered if they do not correspond to the order made by the User, in accordance with the applicable legislation .

In these cases, the return to CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA of the Products can be made by contacting our Customer Service. In the case of the return of defective products, or that do not correspond to the order made by the user, CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will be responsible for the transport costs of the return of the products, as long as the return is made from the Peninsular Territory .

CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA is not obliged to compensate the user or third parties for the consequences of using the product, whether direct or indirect damage, accidents suffered by people, damage to property other than the product, loss of profit or loss of profit.

The photographs of the products that appear on the website are the property of CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA and are not binding.


In the event that a refund must be made, CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA will manage the refund of the amount paid using the same payment system used by the CLIENT within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the confirmation of acceptance of the same by part of CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA.


In compliance with the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users (LGDCU) the products purchased through https://www.castellersdevilafranca.cat enjoy a 3-year guarantee period from the moment of their acquisition, which they cover possible product manufacturing defects.

To find out the procedures that must be followed in the face of problems with a product, they can contact:

  • With the CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA Customer Service by email at info@castellersdevilafranca.cat.

The consumer and user has the right to repair the product, to replace it, to reduce the price or to terminate the contract, according to what is established in Title IV Chapter II of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.

If the product does not conform to the contract, the consumer may choose to replace the product, at no cost to the consumer, which takes place within a reasonable period of time depending on the nature of the products.


To contact CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA for any question, you can go to our Customer Service by:

  • phone: +34 681 027 380
  • e-mail: info@castellersdevilafranca.cat

To lodge any complaint or claim with CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA, the customer must contact the customer service by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address info@castellersdevilafranca.cat.

According to the Resolution of Online Litigation in Consumer Matters of the EU and in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we inform you that the European Commission provides all consumers with an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


These conditions are governed in accordance with Spanish legislation. CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA and the user agree to submit any disputes that may arise in relation to the procurement of products or services subject to these General Conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.


If any of the present conditions were declared invalid, void or for any reason ineffective, this condition will be understood to be excluded without this declaration affecting the validity or enforceability of the rest of the conditions.

In case of partial nullity, the rest will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these Terms of Sale.

The non-exercise by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA of any right derived from these Terms of Sale shall not be interpreted as a waiver of this right, except for express and written waiver by CASTELLERS DE VILAFRANCA or prescription of the action that corresponds in each case.


We reserve the right to make changes at any time to the website, policies, terms and conditions, including these Terms of Sale.

The CLIENT remains subject to the terms, conditions and policies in force at the time of placing the order unless, by law or by request of public authorities, a change is made to them that must be applicable to any previously placed order.

Terms and conditions 2022