The Vilafranquins completed the 3d9fa and the Td9fm

3d9fa Altafulla 2017




The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Saturday afternoon in Altafulla, accompanied by the Castellers d'Altafulla, the Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls and the Xiquets de Tarragona. The Greens have managed to download the third 3d9fa of the season, a castle that had never been seen before in Altafulla and which means the 250th Gamma Extra castle downloaded from the history of the Villafranca gang. In the second round, Castellers de Vilafranca faced the other great challenge of the day, the Td9fm, which they handled with credit. Altafulla's is the third Td9fm of the Greens this season, a milestone that reinforces the goal of attempting the 3d10fm in Vilanova, in 15 days, since the tower serves the people of Vilafranca to work on the fit between lining and handcuffs To end the day, Castellers de Vilafranca unloaded 4d9f and Pd7f which, despite some changes, they completed safely.


The head of the Greens team, Toni Bach, assessed the performance in Altafulla very satisfactorily, since "it has allowed us to continue consolidating the extra range castells and, in addition, it allows us to face the second leg of July with our eyes set on the 10" castle. This week, precisely, the Greens have three rehearsals: Monday (8:00 p.m.), Wednesday (8:30 p.m.) and Friday (9:30 p.m.). The latter is very important for the aspirations of the Greens, as it will be a special ten-floor castells trial where it will be essential to make good feet of the two ten-floor castells, among other constructions. At the end of the trial, there will be frankfurter sandwiches for all attendees and a lot of DO Penedès wines will be raffled among those who have participated in the trial.


Therefore, Bach claims "that, above all, Friday's rehearsal be multitudinous" and that he asks "all those castellers who, until now, have been enjoying the season from home, to come to Cal Figarot" this Friday.


Castellers de Vilafranca will perform in Mataró on Sunday, on the day of Saints (12:00pm). The coaches will leave at ten, as the pre-parade starts at half past twelve. To get good castells in Mataró and bring the 3d10fm to Vilanova with guarantees, the Castellers de Vilafranca encourage all the supporters of the gang from Vilafranca and Penedes to lend a hand this Friday.


Td9fm Altafulla 2017