It will be next weekend, May 28 and 29, with performances in Elna, Sant Cebrià del Rosselló and Baó.


This weekend the Castellers de Vilafranca will make their first trip after the Covid-19 pandemic. It will be in Northern Catalonia on May 28 and 29. It is a trip that aims to strengthen the gang's commitment to the Catalan Countries, Catalan culture and our identity.

The main reason for the trip is the gang's participation in the 20th Identi'CAT Meeting. It will be Sunday at 11 a.m bathroom, with Castellers del Riberal and Castellers de Barcelona.

Those from Cal Figarot will take advantage of the trip to also perform in different places on Saturday. At half past 12 noon, they will perform in the Plaça Major ofElena and then they will raise a pillar at the Elna Maternity Hospital. Later, at 6 p.m., they will perform at the Place de Marbre de Sant Cebrià del Rosselló.

This will not be the only trip for the green shirts this year. The next 17, 18 and 19 will travel to Euskadi to perform in several towns in Guipúzcoa.

For any clarification about the trip to Northern Catalonia, do not hesitate to contact us.