The next day, they will participate in a planting of 75 trees in the Llitrà creek to commemorate the gang's 75th anniversary

This Saturday, March 18, Castellers de Vilafranca will start this season's performances. It will be at the Villafranca company Joan Cortiada, which closed a sponsorship agreement with the group a few weeks ago. The performance will be at 5 in the afternoon and Cal Figarot will arrive with 3 rehearsals on their backs. Therefore, the intention is to start shooting the castells of 7.

Plantation of trees in the stream of Llitrà

Saturday afternoon's performance at Joan Cortidada will not be the only highlight of the weekend. On Sunday at 11 am, the Castellers de Vilafranca will also plant 75 trees in the Llitrà creek, to commemorate the gang's 75th anniversary. The activity is open to everyone who wants to participate and collaborate. The meeting point will be at quarter past 11 in the parking lot of the Aquatic Complex.

Riparian trees will be planted, such as poplars, alders or willows, which the Vilafranca City Council has recently acquired. They will do it in a space of more than 2,000 m2, next to the Vinots ditch. This lot will be gradually reforested in the coming years.

To carry out this action, the Greens will have the support of ADF La Carrerada, which will help with the tasks of transporting trees and watering, as well as the City Council's Environmental Service, which is the one leading this process of reforestation in the municipality.

In 2008, on the occasion of the gang's 60th anniversary, the Castellers already carried out a reforestation action around the Llitrà stream. On that occasion, the planting took place in the area near the Àgora Center and, as of today, it is already a consolidated riparian forest area.

The Greens invite all environmental organizations, scouts, parks and families in Vilafranca who want to accompany them in this event, one of the first of their anniversary.