The people from Vilafranca have performed in Carrer de Sants with an eye on the day of Sant Quintí

3d9f Saints 2017



The Castellers de Vilafranca performed this Saturday at the Firaentitats festival held in Carrer de Sants in the afternoon. Accompanied by the Castellers de Sants, the Castellers de Sant Cugat and the Castellers del Poble Sec, the Vilafranca team downloaded the third 3d9f of the season. In the first round, the Greens had downloaded the Td8f, a construction they want to try from 9 this weekend in Sant Quentí, as long as the tests allow it. To end the day, the Castellers de Vilafranca unloaded the 4d8 (with numerous changes to the trunk) and the pillar of 7 with lining.


The Greens face a week with a clear challenge: to make an extra range castle on the day of Sant Quintí next June 3 (Saturday afternoon). The people of Vilafranca need the support of all supporters to mobilize enough people in the municipality of Penedes and to be able to achieve the goal of repeating a brilliant performance like that of last year.


The Greens' rehearsals for this week will be the usual: Monday (8:00 p.m.), Wednesday (8:30 p.m.) and Friday (9:30 p.m.).