Castellers de Vilafranca have launched a new website. It is a more interactive space to present the gang and with a more modernized look compared to what they had until now. The new website allows you to upload more videos, more images and this makes it more attractive to the person browsing it.

The new website of the Greens includes a section detailing the workshops offered by the group, such as, for example, the school activities it does in many centers in the region. In addition, there is also the possibility to send a message directly to the areas of the gang that you are interested in getting in touch with. One of the novelties is that, through the new website of the Castellers de Vilafranca, you can buy all kinds of merchandising from the gang that is on sale and you don't have to physically go to the Greens store.

The website also details the gang's history, current affairs and internal organization.

The Castellers de Vilafranca website address remains the same: