It will be next Friday, April 22 and 29 and May 6 and 13, from 8pm to 8:45pm at the gang's headquarters, Cal Figarot.

With the castle season already underway, the Castellers de Vilafranca are organizing a new School of Castles. As they did during the Christmas holidays, this is a space open to all boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 14 who want to learn how to do castells.

The Escola de Castells sessions will be led by the gang's rogue team. In them they will be taught the distinctive features of castells, the positions of the rogue and the basic technique of doing castells.

This spring's School of Castles will have 4 sessions. It will start on the first Friday after Easter, on April 22, and will last until the Friday before the May Fairs, on May 13.

*For any doubts, clarifications or requests for statements from some of the gang or gang leaders, do not hesitate to contact us.