The works must be original, in the Catalan language and on a Castilian theme. The deadline to submit them is from May 1 to June 30.

After a blank year, the Castellers de Vilafranca are reviving the gang's literary contest, with the intention of giving it a new impetus.
As in the last editions, the competition will have children's categories, from 8 to 14 years old, and general, from 15 years old. Within the general category, there will be prose and poetry categories. The works must be original, not previously published and written in the Catalan language. They must be castle themed and must be signed with a pseudonym.
The deadline to present them will open on May 1 and close on June 30. The award ceremony will coincide with the events of Saint Michael, the gang's patron saint, next September.
Anyone who is interested can check them here Literary competition bases.