The rehearsals will mark the evolution of this key castle for the season

headquarters plan



Castellers de Vilafranca intend to bring the unlined 4d9 to the square for the first time this year in Tarragona, in the performance they will be doing next Saturday, July 8, at Pla de la Seu, right in front of the Cathedral. It is for this reason that the head of the group of the Greens, Toni Bach, calls on all castellers to have mass rehearsals after the stop for Sant Joan. According to Bach, these next few days, "we must work to pay tribute to history". And it is that, a few meters from Pla de la Seu - specifically, going down the steps of the cathedral, in Plaça de les Cols - in 1881, by Santa Tecla, the Xiquets de Valls completed the first 4d9 without lining of nineteenth century Some castle chronicles explain that Esperidió, when unloading this castle, uttered the legendary phrase: "if this is a burden, put us on top of the Cathedral"! So, doing it again very close to the same place where the 'total castle' was a reality would be a great tribute to the history of the castle.


However, the technical team of Castellers de Vilafranca warn that there is still a lot of work to be done and that this castle will only be possible with the full involvement of the gang. To achieve this, the Castellers de Vilafranca have six very important rehearsals and a performance in Barberà del Vallès this Sunday, which will mark how the castle is doing and whether it is in a position to take it to the square on the 8th. he asks for the involvement of all the castellers to make good tests of this castle, especially "to work on the pineapple lace and the seconds, which has given us so many good results on the occasions that we have tried it as necessary". One of the keys to this castle, then, will be the upcoming trials, which will serve to decide when this castle will be released.


Consolidating the 4d9 without lining is a priority objective of the Castellers de Vilafranca this season, as the Greens face superior challenges with this structure throughout the year. So, the technical team of the Vilafranquina group believes it is essential to advance the 4d9 as much as possible and, a good option, would be for Pla de la Seu, in Tarragona.


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