The people from Vilafranca will accompany him with two more extra ranges, if Friday's rehearsal goes well

headquarters plan



Castellers de Vilafranca intend to bring the unlined 4d9 to the square for the first time this year in Tarragona, in the performance they will do this Saturday at Pla de la Seu, right in front of the Cathedral. Apart from the 'total castle', the Greens also want to bring the 3d9fa and the Td9fm into place, in addition to the pillar of seven with lining. This will all depend on how the final tests go. It is for this reason that the leader of the Greens, Toni Bach, is calling on all castellers so that Friday's rehearsal in Plaça de la Vila (from 10:00 p.m.) is crowded. According to Bach, "apart from the 4d9, we have to work on the castells of ten, one of which we are already considering for this July in Vilanova".


The Castellers plan to pay tribute to history this Saturday, unloading the 4d9 right in front of the Cathedral of Tarragona. And it is that, a few meters from Pla de la Seu - specifically, going down the steps of the cathedral, in Plaça de les Cols - in 1881, by Santa Tecla, the Xiquets de Valls completed the first 4d9 without lining of nineteenth century Some castle chronicles explain that Esperidió, when unloading this castle, uttered the legendary phrase: "if this is a burden, put us on top of the Cathedral"! So, doing it again very close to the same place where the 'total castle' was a reality would be a great tribute to the history of the castle. The performance will start at 18:00h and will also have the presence of the Xiquets de Tarragona and the Castellers de Sants. The buses will leave Cal Figarot at 4:30 p.m.


Coinciding with Vijazz, the Castellers de Vilafranca will rehearse in Plaça de la Vila from ten o'clock at night (9:30 p.m.) and will do some tests with a net in Cal Figarot. The people of Vilafranca expect the involvement of all citizens to collaborate with the great tests they will do in the square.


4 of 9 net 1881