The people from Vilafranca intend to make their first castle of ten in Vilanova, as they already did last year
3 of 10fm Vilanova 2016 1



Castellers de Vilafranca want to bring the first castle of ten of their season to the square. As they did last year, the people from Vilafrancathey intend to download 3d10fm in Vilanova, a castle that, until last year, had never been unloaded before Sant Félix. That of the Greens is an important challenge and to make it possible there will need to be many in this Friday's special rehearsalin Cal Figarot and on the same Saturday afternoon.

Castellers de Vilafranca are considering accompanying the castle of ten with two extra ranges: probably a castle with a needle and the Td9fm. However, Friday's rehearsal will finish shaping the rest of the performance.

Friday's test, precisely, will be a special test of castells of ten floors and in which the gang leader of the Castellers de Vilafranca calls on everyone to fill Cal Figarot: "we have to be many to be able to do a good test of 3d10fm and face it with guarantees. we askone last sprint, just before a week of castle holidays.” At the end of the trial, there will be hamburgers for everyone and three batches of DO Penedès wines will be raffled.

The performance will begin at six in the afternoon in the Plaça de la Vila de Vilanova, accompanied by the hosts Bordegassos de Vilanova and Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona. The buses will leave Cal Figarot at five o'clock and the parade at 5:30 p.m., from Plaça de les Casernes.