The Vernets

Grallers Els Vernets-1

the gang The Vernets it was formed in 1981, and since then it has taken part in many festivals throughout Catalonia and in various gatherings outside the country. They have been accompanying the Castellers de Vilafranca gang for a handful of years. They have held numerous parades alongside all kinds of popular dances and hors d'oeuvres (moixiganga, giants, horses, dwarfs, stickmen, etc.), they have also held many concerts and dances with gralla music.

So far the group has recorded 10 albums:

  • "Dance of Crows"
  • "The Tremendous"
  • "Crows and Giants"
  • "Music for 19th century authors"
  • "Thirds up"
  • "Civernets"
  • "Strength, balance, courage and... claws"
  • "From the Macaris to the Peret. Music for gralla in the middle of the 20th century"
  • "The fiesta major is ringing!"
  • "Symphonies and fantasias for gralla"

The Vernets they have always worked on the research and dissemination of the traditional music of our regions. The group's style is characterized above all by the numerous recovery of musical themes from old grallers, in particular they have cultivated the repertoire that had played between the 19th and 20th centuries. The researches of the members of the group are also reflected in different articles, books and in the recovery and technical improvement of instruments such as the low croak or the sib croaks.

The group wanted to follow the style of the classic graller formations, in what we could call the golden age of the instrument: first gralla, second gralla, low gralla and timpani.

The group currently includes Joan Reyes, Miquel Benito, Xavier Bayer, Lluís Giménez and Pere Julià.

Touch of Bacchus

At Toc de Bacus, we really like wine. All members of the group work or are closely linked to the wine sector. This bond marked the starting point for the group, as in addition to wine, we discovered that we also shared a fondness for gralla and traditional music. Since then, and that was in 2009, we decided to combine our passion for the world of wine with the world of barbecue and popular festivals.

At one of these parties and accompanied by a few glasses of Penedès and Priorat wine, a specter appeared to us repeating a series of words in Greek that reminded us of an old yogurt advertisement. The specter, who called himself "Bacus", proclaimed himself the God of Wine and Festivities and demanded to accompany us in all our performances. From then on, we pay tribute to him and that's why we call ourselves TOC DE BACUS.

We play traditional music melodies for three gralles and timpani all over the Penedès and Catalonia, either accompanying any dance or piece of festive bestiary or offering concerts and gralles dances. We also accompany the Castellers de Vilafranca in some of their performances around the world.

The group is currently made up of Cam Mestres (bass guitar), Jordi Vidal (timbale), Josep Maria Vernet (sweet guitar) and Joan Domènech (sweet guitar).

Grallers de l'Artús

On the morning of May 31, 1981, military aviation flew continuously over the massif of the hermitage of Sant Antoni, in Albinyana: it was the unprecedented, peaceful parade of the Armed Forces through Barcelona and the time of the mayorship of in Narcís Serra and others.

At noon, the first Artusos, who combined gralla and speleology, finished the exploration of the underground system of which the Artús chasm is a part. While we were eating and changing our clothes, dusty and muddy, someone proposed to adopt the name of the cave for what was then an incipient group of grallers.

Be that as it may, however, we found the first documentary reference of the Grallers de l'Artús in the program of the 1982 Vilafranca Festival, accompanying Els Falcons.

Since then, the gang has been active without interruption, regardless of the fact that, inevitably, its composition has varied over the years.

The Grallers de l'Artús are particularly proud of two milestones that have marked our existential journey: belonging to the Coordinadora de Grallers de Vilafranca, since its inception, and being part of the Castellers de Vilafranca, since 1986.

We have tried to always be up to date with the material and technical evolution of our little world. From dry rattles (which we don't censor, ep!) and synthetic timpani (generalist, to call them in some way), we have made a progressive transition to the current key and bass rattles and the handmade timpani and specific; and from beginnings that were more self-taught than regulated, we have sought to soak up musical knowledge and track in interpretation with some of the many teachers that, fortunately, we enjoy right now.


Jordi Sellarès – Gralla dolça 1a.
Anna Viader – Gralla dolce 1a.
Lis Montserrat – Gralla dolça 2a.
Pere Marimón – Gralla baixa
Andreu Nogueira – Gralla low
Lluís Vidal – Timbale

The Greens

Group of grallers with the members of the Escola de Grallers dels Castellers de Vilafranca and which accompanies the Castellers de Vilafranca since the 2013 season.

Its components are:

Oriol Carbonell, first
Mario d'onofrio first
Glòria Boronat, first
Montse Pitarch, second and first
Eugenia Carbonell first
Anna Flores, first and second
Lis second
Paul first and second
Eduard Fernández Sadurní, timpani
Guillem sans Olivella, timpani
Pau Vidal Arbiol, timpani / 1st/2nd
Ricard Vidal choral, low
Júlia Carrillo, first and last
Max Clerc, timpani
Nestor Martínez, first