The most important part of the castle is the scoundrel. They are the ones who climb to the top, the ones who convey to the Colla itself and the general public the strongest emotions just moments before crowning the desired castle, and the ones who cause the general outburst of joy when reaching the milestone marked

They are the scoundrels of the Castellers de Vilafranca. They wear the green shirt with pride and dignity throughout Catalonia; they love the Colla as the most, they love us and we love them. Because despite their young age, they know how to understand, value and put into practice what castells is for us. Because they understand passions, rivalries, pride, and knowing how to do what they like best: castells, towers and pillars. The scoundrels of the Castellers de Vilafranca take the Gang to heart and fight for it relentlessly; because the Greens scoundrel has a winning mentality. This section serves as a tribute to all the scoundrels who have passed through the Gang, to those who are currently part of it, and to those who in the very near future will know what it is to be: a scoundrel of the Castellers de Vilafranca.