The presentation will be this Friday in the multipurpose room and will be given by Laia Colomé and the author himself
WhatsApp Image 2017 07 26 at 13.34.30



Castellers de VIlafranca will present this Friday at Cal Figarot the new book by the RAC1 journalist, Benet Íñigo, 'Pit i amunt!'.

The presentation will take place in the Sala Polivalent de Cal Figarot from eight o'clock in the evening and will be given by the journalist and castellan of the Greens, Laia Colomé. During the presentation, the author of the book, Benet Íñigo, and the president of Castellers de Vilafranca, Joan Badell, will also speak.

The book is the story between fiction and reality of lives linked to the world of castells and the values that arise from it. When the New York Times publishes a 360-degree video of a 4 out of 10 with liner and handcuffs it's because plastically it's impressive. Hundreds of bodies crowded together, muscles in tension, fragility, the audience holding their breath... and a small group of 8 or 9 years old marking the border between success and failure. But if Unesco declared the castells intangible heritage of humanity (2010) it is not just because the castells are spectacular and exciting. It is, above all, because under these mastodontic constructions there are not only the bass; there are castle gangs. Entities who struggle, enjoy and sacrifice themselves every day to achieve it, who have created a dense, diverse and rich social fabric and which perpetuates values that go beyond the majestic aesthetics of the castells.

It is a book intended for different audiences: both those understood in castells and those that are not, since Íñigo describes the sensations and the way to structure a castle. Through the different floors of a castle of ten, the author details the fundamental parts that must be taken into account to understand the world of castles.

At the end of the presentation, a glass of DO Penedès wine will be served and you can buy the books at the stall set up by the La Cultural Bookstore.