The program, which will last 5 weeks, aims to bring the castells and its values closer to boys and girls between 4 and 13 years old



The 2015 season is about to start for Castellers de Vilafranca, and it will do so with a new project that is being cooked up in Cal Figarot. This is a School of Castles aimed at all those boys and girls aged between 4 and 13 who have always wanted to try castells, but have not had the opportunity until now.


The campus or Escola de Castells will start next Friday, February 27 at 8 p.m., coinciding with the group's first rehearsal, also at that time. It will last 5 weeks - until March 27th - with the intention of introducing the boys and girls who participate to the basic technique to climb the castells and to instill in them castellers values such as effort and work in team through games and other dynamics.


The school is organized by the gang's rogue team, with members who have experience in the field of education and leisure. A good opportunity for all those boys and girls who have always been attracted to castells but have not had the chance to try it until now. This is yours!


Registrations for the Escola de Castells can be made through the following form or in person at Cal Figarot on the same day, February 27.

To fill out the form, click on the following link (fill it out online).